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Hybrid Falcon

Finally took the plunge and invested in a Nikon Z8 and few new lenses.I took this picture of a hybrid falcon (Barbary and Gyrfalcon) at Warwick Castle with a 180-600mm lens. Still getting to grips with all the options on the Z8. Fun exploring again ...
Bird Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)

Nice to be behind my camera again. Just back from the annual pilgrimage to Canada. Saw some cool wildlife over the past two weeks.This is a Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) which is native to North America. This male was part of a herd of over 40 animals. Taken just outside Ekshaw off the 1A Highway. Although it was a bright sunny day, the temperature with the windchill was below -20.
6th Place in BSOUP macro competition.

Very pleased to have placed in the top set of macro images in the monthly BSOUP competition as judged by Martin, and Sylvia Edge.Runner-Up BSoUP Black and White competition.

Very pleased to be runner-up for the second year in a row in the BSoUP Black and White competition as judged by Henley Spiers . My photo of this grey seal was taken in the Scilly Isles, on what may have been one of my best seal dives ever. Thanks Henley!Thanks to Nick Watson for your kind words last night when standing down from the BSoUP committee, it's greatly appreciated.
Finally Back in Canada!

After nearly three years of not being back to Canada I traversed the Covid highway and got there. Not that difficult actually if you're vaccinated. But sad still for those who choose not to be. Hope at some stage we get back to some semblance of Canada being an open place for all.Winning image from BSoUP and BUPG for Wrecks.

Wrecks are not a category i've ever competed in until now. Really pleased to say that this image won both the monthly BUPG competition, and the BSoUP competition as judged by Rick Ayrton. Thanks again to Charles Erb for tidy modelling, Bob Anderson, for putting us on this amazing wreck. and the judges at UPY for getting me there. The gift that keeps giving.On a more solemn note this submarine hit a mine in Balta sound on March 12, 1917, and all 31 mariners aboard were lost. Was truly the best wreck I've ever had the privilege of diving on.Scuba Cover Shot!

So gratifying when you get to see your work as a cover shot! The article Shetland Spectacular is mine and just published. I'll provide a link to that in the next month as it's only available to BSAC members. Watch this space.Runner-Up BSoUP - Black and White

Really pleased to come second in the recent monthly BSoUP competition for Black and White as judged by Henley Spiers. Henley is well known for his stylish, minimalist, and high contrast black and white photography. There were a lot of very nice images in the lineup so I'm very happy to have come second.Lockdown Projects

I guess we're all finding new things to do with ourselves during lockdown, and seeing the world with new eyes perhaps. I've always been fascinated with high speed photography. I decided to try and photograph water drops colliding. I use a Pluto Trigger, and purpose made drip valve which connects to the trigger. I also use a Nikon SB900 speed light, and a Godox wireless transmitter receiver. It's the speed of the flash that captures the motion and not the shutter speed. The speed light power is reduced to 1/128 which is about 1/20,000 of a second. The trick to getting this right is the timing of the trigger which is controlled by an App on my iPhone. So much fun, it's actually a little addictive. The temperature of the liquid, in this case, water with food colouring, the volume of liquid in the valve, and the height that the valve is suspended on my tripod all influence the image. A lot of trial and error involved in the beginning. I've tried milk as well, but that only works well when it's really cold. More to play with here, especially colour combinations, and lighting angles.Winner BSoUP Fish Portrait - January 2021
Really pleased to be voted the winner of the fish portrait competition in January which was judged by Martin Guess. ...moreEurasian Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus

I'm always on the lookout for urban wildlife. I do a lot of walking on a nearby golf course and have been seeing this lovely kestrel from time to time. When ever I feel the light is good, I looking for him, I believe that this is a male. I found him on top of a tree, and stood there with my 500mm watching him, and to my surprise he dropped off the top of tree onto the grass right in front, probably 20 feet away. The long lens I had on compresses the background, and with dew on the grass gave a really nice bokeh to the image.Runner up in the Image of the Year at the Bristol Underwater Photography Group (Click here for BUPG) judged by Alex Mustard

Really gratifying to come second in the annual Bristol Underwater Photography Group competition which was judged by Alex Mustard, one of the foremost underwater photographers in the world.Puffins on Skomer Island, Pembrokeshire, Wales

So cool to finally visit Skomer, done lots of diving there at Martin's Haven over the years, but never ventured to the shores of Skomer. So happy I did. Apparently there's a 100,000 mating pairs there, and you're able to get very close to them. Weather was good for photography which is always welcome.The Star

Made into The Star thankfully for all the readers I'm not on Page three ... check out the double spread on poage 20.The Times - Page 4 April 30 Edition

Always nice to see your work in The Times.The Daily Mirror / The Daily Express Pages 23 & 24 respectively

Underwater Photographer of the Year - UK Wide Angle Winning ImageStunning photo that could be Great Barrier Reef was actually taken off CORNWALL
Cornwall LiveUnderwater Photographer of the Year - Editorials
Scubaverse Interview Oct 2018
...moreScilly Isles September 2018

We had an amazing trip to the Scilly Isles this year. It's a 30 plus mile journey to the west by ferry from Penzance. We dived off Tiburon owned an operated by Dave McBride who is also an underwater photographer. Having a skipper who understands the mentality of underwater photographers is key to a great trip in my opinion. We enjoyed some amazing wall diving in clear water. The walls are often corner to corner with Jewel Anemones. In addition to that we had two world class encounters with grey seals, which is always uplifting, and especially when people are coming back with great images.Scuba Magazine - Sodwana Bay - November 2017

Watch this space, article will out be out in the next week or two.