UK Photographer of the Year

Robert is absolutely delighted to have been chosen by BSOUP judges to represent the UK in this year's EPSON Red Sea Competition and will be spending a week (November 9-14) in Eliat, Israel competing with his wife Paula (assistant, model) for more than $80k in prizes.

The standard will be very high, with many of the competitors being very familar with what the lcoal sites have to offer.

Robert was approached by Nigel Wade last year's winner who said the experience was a memorable one. He found his fellow competitors experienced photographers, and at the same time friendly, and helpful. He also mentioned that he'd made some real freinds whilst he was there. Robert wishes his heart felt thanks to Nigel who has kindly volunteered to provide him with valuable advice from lessons learned in the previous competition.

Check out the BSOUP website on Robert's latest sucess.